Tiki Studios was created by Gradie O'Neal and several partners back in 1967. We have survived many recessions, economy downturns, booms, you name it we've seen it and still survived by the grace of God. Tiki originally was on the corner of 17th and Julian St. in San Jose, Ca. and was in that location until 1985 where we moved into a much larger facility. The name Tiki came from Gradie and his partners at that time were trying to come up with a name for the new studio. Everyone threw names in a hat and out popped Tiki. So for all these years, we have held on to the name and now added O'Neal Productions to the mix. The new facility offered two studios instead of one. One studio Studio A is the large room for bands to record. Studio B is the smaller music production and mixing room. Tiki in their beginning careers has recorded people such as Santana, Bill Withers, Lydia Pence of Cold Blood, Grupo Vennus, Los Aquario. We have also done many Gospel recording artists such as Lillie Knauls, Danni Bell and more. Many others (too many to name them all) have recorded throughout the years. Both studios record many styles from Rock to world music heard throughout the world. Jeannine produces a wide variety of styles from African, South American, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Persian, India, Mexican you name it we've done it. That's the beauty of music, it's all the language we understand. More to come.